(提供:南丹市美山観光まちづくり協会) 寺社や京都タワーなどで賑わう京都市内から車で約1.5時間の場所にあるのが南丹市美山町です。そこに広がるのは、珍しいかやぶき屋根の民家が並ぶ日本の原風景。 写真を撮りにくる人はもちろん、国内外から様々な観光客が訪れ、美しい自然と暮らしに癒されています。 美山町には、昔ながらの暮らしを知ることができる民俗資料館や自然美しいダム、美山牛乳のソフトクリーム屋さん、和食が味わえるお食事どころなど、多くの見どころがあります。今回は、そんな美山町を楽しむためのおすすめ情報を紹介していきます。
Kaya-no-Sato sells a variety of local produce including sticky rice (mochi-gome) and millet (kibi) desserts. There are also locally-made cookies and other produce, as well as postcards and stamps of the thatched village.
Open: 9:00am~5:00pm
Cloesed: New year's holiday
Kaya-no-Sato sells a variety of local produce including sticky rice (mochi-gome) and millet (kibi) desserts. There are also locally-made cookies and other produce, as well as postcards and stamps of the thatched village.
Open: 9:00am~5:00pm
Cloesed: New year's holiday
Kaya-no-Sato sells a variety of local produce including sticky rice (mochi-gome) and millet (kibi) desserts. There are also locally-made cookies and other produce, as well as postcards and stamps of the thatched village.
Open: 9:00am~5:00pm
Cloesed: New year's holiday